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Figure 10 | Journal of Biological Engineering

Figure 10

From: Influence of substrate curvature on osteoblast orientation and extracellular matrix deposition

Figure 10

The elastic modulus (A) and the hardness (B) of the secreted ECM at day 24 across different substrates are shown. In both graphs all of the experimental groups were significantly different from the control flat group. The 100mc group had the highest modulus value than the other groups, and also had a higher hardness value than the 500mc group. Thus it can be concluded that the curvature had an effect on ECM secretion and mineralization in the 100mc group that is not seen in the other flat substrates. Letters show statistical significance between groups (p < 0.05), where a,b,c,d are used to indicate statistical differences between groups where any two groups unconnected by a common letter are significantly different (p < 0.05).

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