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Fig. 1 | Journal of Biological Engineering

Fig. 1

From: Extracellular matrix dynamics: tracking in biological systems and their implications

Fig. 1

The dynamic ECM microenvironment plays key roles in lung organogenesis and pathogenesis. a During murine lung branching morphogenesis, highly sulfated heparin-sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) at the mesenchyme surrounding the branching tips act to bind and enrich FGF10 to enable effective activation of FGFR2 on the nearby epithelial cells, promoting epithelial branching towards the desired directions. b During the terminal saccular stage of lung development, the selective deposition of elastin around the existing alveoli drives the formation of new alveolar septa, a process termed as secondary septation. c During the progression of pulmonary fibrosis, excessive secretion, deposition, and abnormal arrangement of collagen leads to lung malfunction and compromised gas-exchange efficiency

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