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Table 3 Population-level vaccine protection against lethal virus

From: Design and engineering of a transmissible antiviral defense

Lag between vaccine and lethal virus addition a

Fold drop in concentration/titer of vaccine-infected cells due to T5 killing b

no vaccine

4500, 15550

3 hr


7 hr



4, 37

  1. aCells at 108/mL were infected with vaccine and helper; the vaccine multiplicity of infection was 1, so infections by vaccine would thus have been nearly complete within 30 minutes
  2. bCounts to establish the baseline, before T5 addition, were of vaccine-infected (ampicillin-resistant) cells without specific regard to T5 sensitivity. (For ’no vaccine,’ initial counts are based on total cells.) At 3-4 hr after T5 addition (at the time of plating), T5 density was at least 10X that of cell density, so nearly all sensitive cells would have been been unable to form a colony