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Fig. 1 | Journal of Biological Engineering

Fig. 1

From: Study of in vitro transcriptional binding effects and noise using constitutive promoters combined with UP element sequences in Escherichia coli

Fig. 1

Schematic overview of promoter, UP element-promoter and half UP element-promoter construct designs based on 19 constitutive promoters in E. coli. RNAP binds with −35 (marked in dark green) and −10 (marked in orange) in the constitutive promoter to initiate transcription; a full synthesized UP element (sequence in red), a half synthetic UP element (sequence half in red and half in black) and a consensus upstream sequence (sequence in black) located upstream constitutive promoters provides two extra binding sites (marked in green and light blue) with RNAP-αCTD, one binding site, and no binding sites, respectively

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