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Fig. 2 | Journal of Biological Engineering

Fig. 2

From: Robust network topologies for temperature-inducible bioswitches

Fig. 2

Screening Off–On switches. A The performance distribution of all circuits in \(F-\Delta T\) space for the target Off–On TIS function. The red dashed box marks the circuits with criteria \(F\ge 100\) and \(\Delta T\le 4 \mathrm{^\circ{\rm C} }\), corresponding to 3929 network topologies. B The distribution of high-performance circuits with Q-values \(\ge\) 0 (marked in (A)) in the space of Q-value and edge number. The black dashed box marks the simplest functional networks, and the grey dashed box represents the best networks with Q-values \(\ge\) 20. C The functional topologies with the fewest links marked in (B) with the black box. D The list of top robust functional topologies selected from networks in the grey box. E Hierarchical clustering analysis of 81 functional network topologies with Q-values \(\ge\) 11. Motifs M1, M2 and M3 are shown on the right side

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