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Fig. 1 | Journal of Biological Engineering

Fig. 1

From: T7Max transcription system

Fig. 1

Testing different promoters in in-vitro transcription. a transcription of the RNA broccoli aptamer from linear dsDNA templates under different promoters. The gels are stained with DFHBI1T. b quantification of DFHBI1T stained gels. Y axis is the unitless relative brightness of the broccoli RNA band. For the gels shown on panel a and c we used sample of purified Broccoli aptamer as size standard. Original uncropped gel images are shown on figures S1 and S2. c quantification of the same transcription gel as in a, stained with Sybr stain. d quantification of the Sybr stained gel. The Y axis is unitless relative brightness of the aptamer RNA band. e time course of transcription from linear dsDNA aptamer templates with different promoters, one example trace for each experiment. The legend applies to panels e and f. f: end point fluorescence of RNA aptamer for 3 replicates for transcriptions showed on panel e, fluorescence measured at excitation 488nm and emission 507 nm; error bars are standard deviation

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