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Table 2 Overview of some solutions implemented to overcome or reduce the challenges faced by organ-on-chip technology

From: Cancer-on-chip: a 3D model for the study of the tumor microenvironment





In vitro tumor microenvironment

Complex system

Lower throughput

Low technical


PDMS nonspecific


Injection molded plastic array 3D culture platform for the formation of vascularized tumor spheroids in one step


Brain metastatic microenvironment due to non‐small cell lung carcinoma

Use of cell lines

Use of patient-derived cells to reproduce the brain metastatic microenvironment


Human tissue barriers

PDMS material

Implementation of inert and optically clear borosilicate glass for chip production using PDMS just as a sealing agent


Translational organ-on-chip platform

Complex system

Lack of standards

Implementation of a fluidic circuit board which enables microfluidic control of multiple components like sensors or organ-on-chip devices through an interface based on openly available standards


Monitoring of cell metabolic activity

Low throughput

Lack of standards

Low technical robustness

The measure of oxygen consumption rates and drug-induced metabolic shifts in an array of microfluidic devices contained within an oxygen sensor-integrated microfluidic culture plate in a microtiter plate format and industry-standard footprint
